Monday, January 15, 2007


SOOO much. Oh it was amazing. Sniffle. I must find one again but all the ones on ebay are well expensive! mine was only £20. it was stolen. bastards.

Also I really want us to play an all ages show. i am fucking SICK of playing to anyone older than 18, all of whom refuse to dance. Yes they can nod, stroke chins and enjoy the music all they want. but no hearty slap on the back or encouraging words beats jumping and dancing with a member of the audience. I'm fed up of being the only person in the room dancing. you DANCE to this music! It ain't fucking hard!

Please, I don't want us to have to be the Sunshine Underground. please, someone dance, do a jig, slap a thigh, ANYTHING before i actually flip out.

think fast, think quicker DTCX


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