Ah Denmark Street. The mem'ries. It felt like a return to hallowed ground to play yesterday in that pissed up thoroughfare. It was, ahem, instrumental (get it? no? ah whatEVER) in the formation of BAF, since it was through an ad taped to the wall on that very street that I met Tobias and Mark, and three boys began playing guitar to drum machines, and the first mewling sounds of a newborn BAF were created.
Denmark street is also where we still buy all the stuff we lose on tour, and we've bought at least a couple of guitars and a few synths there. We used to rehearse on Denmark Place, and so it was a rushed and drunken honour to grace the stage at the Tin Pan Alley fest.
The rain stopped and the clouds (pretty much) parted as we came on, which was nice, as we looked out on to a couple of thousand mostly confused looking people, did a set by and large unhindered by technical shit-ups and finally met Dan Le Sac. I know, we're terrible, he remixed us ages ago and we've only just actually met him.
Thanks to all the people who came up to us, and the promoters for putting us on. Tobias was pissed off about having to miss Latitude but i think he was okay with it in the end. The girls from We Start Fires were cute.
Mark made an acute remark to the effect that this was probably the only day in our lives that we would be able to say the sentence: "let's go to the job centre to get some free booze"
Labels: Dan Le Sac, festival, free stuff, job centre, tin pan alley