Sunday, January 28, 2007


yeah so LOTP (that's 'Lottop' to you) and our good selves are being bum buddies and doing big homo remixes of each other. i knocked one of 'space and the woods' out last week and put it here to hear, ear to ear and tobias and i met up today to arrange our proper remix. we might actually glue bits from 3 lotp tracks together and do a medley. meh. we'll update you when faley and sam etc. get their one of us done.

also, i know we've bulletined it before but really, do download the dan le sac remix on our page, we'll keep it up for as long as we can but NEW BAF tracks are on the way which are chomping at the bit to be put up. honestly, they're WILD ones these ones. ARRRRR!

how was everyone's weekend? i went to see good shoes, lotp and kissy at barfly, which was full of shambling ape-like folk, much akin to the dwellers of an HP Lovecraft story. jamie of klax-sons fame was looking strangely dressed down in, er, brown... Is it their new direction? who can say... NUE MAUVE! YEAH ROCK out.


P.S. Bolt Action Trivia: Some of the names BAF considered before we chose BAF were:

Klax (do you remember Klax? The video game? No? ...Oh.)
The 1990s
Video Nasties

So yeah, lucky we didn't choose any of those, also:

File Under Wolves
Seize Them

Monday, January 15, 2007


SOOO much. Oh it was amazing. Sniffle. I must find one again but all the ones on ebay are well expensive! mine was only £20. it was stolen. bastards.

Also I really want us to play an all ages show. i am fucking SICK of playing to anyone older than 18, all of whom refuse to dance. Yes they can nod, stroke chins and enjoy the music all they want. but no hearty slap on the back or encouraging words beats jumping and dancing with a member of the audience. I'm fed up of being the only person in the room dancing. you DANCE to this music! It ain't fucking hard!

Please, I don't want us to have to be the Sunshine Underground. please, someone dance, do a jig, slap a thigh, ANYTHING before i actually flip out.

think fast, think quicker DTCX

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hot Damn~~

Hot Damn
I had to sit through a whole song just now on this shit band's myspace. they have more friends than us and they're signed and everything and they SUCK! willies!

the song was like 5 minutes long and totally blew. i mean, you KNOW i'm not arrogant (yet) but we are way better than so much shit. It's a curve, but we're getting better. The honing is attained by time; our booking agent is weening us onto bigger shows. we're practicing more, writing more, Hell we're still suffering an identity crisis. what do you think of when you think of us? what's definitive BAF?

Reasons we're getting better:

We're doing a music video today for Spree. yesss. one of our first songs.

ian and I are taking singing lessons. no shitting.

we're learning how to handle big stages. i know that sounds strange, but it's weird being on a big stage, so far apart from each other. without a drummer it's pretty sparse too.

we're getting a drummer. i know this goes against what Tobias and I decided when we started. But some songs will sound better, and frankly if we want to appeal to a bigger audience we need a fucker hitting stuff behind us. hopefully said fucker will be a hot girl who can drive and also does blast beats. Here's hoping....

hang in there people we'll get signed and famous one day! thanks for supporting us you filthy animals


Friday, January 12, 2007


This new rave thing is really, REALLY pissing me off.

no rants. ask me when you see me.


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Vincent B-b-b-b-x

So I ended up starring in another music video yesterday, this time in the video for Ali Love's new single 'Vincent Brain' taking the title role of Vincent B, the drug dealer with a heart of gold. It was a acting challenge, as I have a heart largely comprised of eggs. There I am just being the art department assistant (such is my job) and I was picked out by the director (Minivegas) who is/are really nice.

The other video I starred in (alongside Mike who plays Naboo in the Boosh) was as a hiker in a video for The Young Punx, directed by Sea Buzzard. check it! oh also it's mike's birthday on the 20th, find his myspace and say hi.

Just need to appear in a BAF video now.... soon, soon..... we're shooting one next weekend with True Grit, keep you posted X X X X


Late Of The Pier
Does It Offend You, Yeah?
gay against you
Mahi Mahi
The Lovely Feathers
Marissa Nadler
The Royal WE
The Valentinos
BC Camplight

And not forgetting:
The Cleft palettes
Kate Nash
The Television Personalities
Nine Inch Fucking Nails


The European Union Reunites!!


///Last night we did a SPECIAL recording for Kooba Radio, an internet only, unsigned-only radio station in sunny South London.

It was THE SHIT. Thanks to EVERYONE who came down to listen, clap, join in on songs, take MANY MANY PHOTOS, and grin and bear it when we had to re-record things...

We recorded EVERY SINGLE SONG, including both Magic Dance AND the NYE cover of Final Countdown, with Luke and Jake from Popshop and Tony from Levelload...

So, in true blubbbery award cerremony styee... thanks to...

Myles and Rob from for playing us and introucing us and generally being nice to us.

DARRAN, GARY and ANNABEL for taking lots and lots and lots of cool photos of us

Malcolm at Orange & Blue studios, who made us sound good, and put up with not just us but ALL OUR PALS in his house/studio all day.

EVERYONE WHO CAME and clapped an shit.

